"Music is probably the only real magic I have encountered in my life There's not some trick involved with it. It's pure and it's real. It moves, it heals, it communicates and does all those incredible things."

~ Tom Petty

 "One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain".

~ Bob Marley

 "Think left and think right and think low and think high - Oh the thinks you can think if only you try!"

~ Dr Seuss

"The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.”

~ Orson Welles


Kevin Greene

Shoo, fly

A big fly landed on my shoe.
I shooed the fly, so off it flew.
The shooed fly flew on up the flue,
then off into the wind it blew.
It flew up toward the sky so blue
then suddenly before you knew
a bluebird did what bluebirds do,
he ate the fly – the fly I shooed!
I felt bad, but what could I do?
Birds eat just like me and you.
What do flies taste like? No clue.
Like candy bars or cabbage stew?
Or maybe they just taste like goo.
Only the bluebird really knew.
He flew around a minute or two,
Then the bluebird pooped – right on my shoe!


 "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything."

~ Plato